Wenchilada & The Baby Burrito

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sesame St is turning 37!

And to mark the auspicious occasion, the Lovely Mrs davis has this to offer: The Lovely Mrs. Davis Tells You What to Think: Come and Play, Everything's A-Okay.

I will think on this a bit...


  • At 8/09/2006, Blogger Wenchilada said…

    What television, music, movie or book from your childhood are you excited about sharing with your own children?

    I think I'll answer all of these...
    Television - definately looking forward to Sesame St and Batman (the 50's/60's version). That's the fluffy stuff.

    I am also looking forward to sharing world events with her and being able to have a family discussion about what is going on and encouraging her to think for herself and think about the why's, where's and how's and be a little smarter than I was encouraged to be.

    Music - I would love dearly for Pers to have some kind of musical ability and appreciation. That is entirely up to her of course, but I look forward to going to live performances with her. I have Peter and the Wolf, which I listened to on record as a kid and loved, but the version I have is on CD and narrated by Dame Edna.

    As a kid, there was always music in the house, Dad would sit me in front of the stereo with big earphones on and I'd listen to Kraftwork's Autobahn and be spellbound by the noises moving around.

    Movie? Charlotte's Web. Labyrinth, Never Ending Story, The Princess Bride (ok, not from my childhood, I only saw it when I got older and joined the SCA) The Muppet Movie (Kermit on a bike? Go figure!), Star Wars and while Harry Potter is not from my childhood, I'm looking forward to sharing that too.

    Books - Mr C looks forward to reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I'm looking forward to reading Noddy, Naughty Amelia Jane, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, The Day the Wind Changed and Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.

    There are sooooo many others...


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