Wenchilada & The Baby Burrito

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Num num num...

Solids, a whole new world...

It's interesting what you take for granted really, solids actually being solid for a start, as opposed to mushy goop. So far, young Pers has been introduced to such taste sensations as Honey Buzz yoghurt (and boy, did that get a reaction!), pureed apple/strawberry combo (even bigger reaction, she closed her eyes, curled her hands up and shook with delight!), pear and apricot puree, plain old banana/pear farex (which she gobbles up), a little bit of custard and the odd bit of chocolate mousse on the end of a finger or (gasp!) dummy (that was her father's fault! Not mine!). So far, so good.

The reactions are fantastic. It reminds me that there is a first time for absolutely everything and while we can't remember the first time we tried ice-cream, strawberry or watermelon, those firsts will be continuously amazing to watch, not just the reaction, but discovery, sheer enjoyment or YUCKO! For me, I'm finding that I am more and more curious each time I venture to try out something else and it's pretty hard to resist the temptation to offer everything and anything, just to see what happens...

It is pretty cool though and she seems to really like her food, but that's no surprise really...


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