Wenchilada & The Baby Burrito

Friday, November 10, 2006

Just keep swimming...

Ahhh...swimming lessons! Usually, Pers loves her swims, today, not so much. Probably didn't help that the 'heated' pool wasn't really heated. Even the swimming instructor commented that it was a bit cool.

There's a really nice lady who turns up with her little girl and we chat. Today her pregnant sister came too, so she took some photos of Pers and I. Thanks goodness she didn't get any where Pers was screaming her lungs out, I don't think I could live with myself.

So here they are... Me and my cupie doll...

And this week the favourite past-time is rolling! Rolling all around the living room, off the play mat, to the door and all around her cot. She keep waking me up because she manages to roll herself onto her tummy in her sleep and then gets frustrated when she dosen't roll back the other way. I just found her asleep on her belly with her bum up. Her airway was clear, but I felt a bit weird with it and moved her back onto her back, which annoyed her no end. She's back to sleep now, so that's what I'm gonna go and do too!


  • At 11/13/2006, Blogger Fiora said…

    These pics are fantastic!! She is so cute in her swimmers!! I love the one of her floating on her back - that is such a Sara pose haha!

    Thanks for putting the pics up they really made me smile!!

    Love Bronwyn

  • At 11/24/2006, Blogger worldpeace and a speedboat said…

    ahhh more cutie photos. like I said on yuor blog Wenchy, that cozzie is just gorgeous. cuuuuu-ute!

    I love babies and water, even if they're screaming their guts up. we have the Dinghy down to about 15-20% upset now, which is cool!

    btw the water at our pool is meant to be heated as well, but there's so many people coming and going that the air cools down and that cools the water down. last week we were all cold. there's school children learning in the next lane being noisy and splashing. what's more, they've put the babies class right near an external door. even more breeze. what's with that?

    despite it, though, the teacher rocks and the class is lovely and - babies and water! yay!


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