And so the story begins
Well, actually, it started about a year ago...
(screen goes all wishy washy as we go back through time where I reminisce a little)
August 6th, 2005:
Oh My God, 2 pink Lines!!!
Then spent the first trimester freaked out of my brain, with lots of emotional swinging, vomitting, crying, vomitting, nose bleeds, vomitting, 14 hour shifts at work, vomitting, absolute dog tiredness, get the drift...
2nd Trimester...a little less anxiety, vomitting, hang on we're trimester 2 now, you can quit vomitting for 2 weeks, man I feel great ok that's enough now back to vomitting, vomitting, ultrasounds and tests, vomitting...
3rd Trimester...not anxious anymore, but man I am tired again...and that vomitting? Work sucks, still working large hours, crack the irrits. Yay for maternity leave! Ok...when is this baby coming out? Mmmm...she's gonna be a biggun if we keep her in there and she's not engaging, lets get induced...
7th April, that hurts. Man...THAT hurts! Man...THAT HURTS! MAN THAT HURTS - EPIDURALEPIDURALEPIDURAL! Thhhhhhaaaaannnnkyou Ms Anaesthetist, that is muuuuuuch better!
Then lots of stuff happens, I pass out in the bed, the monitor goes weird, Mr C gets a bit concerned...
Midwife:"Err Mrs Manley, we think you're going to need a Caesarian section. Are you going to be ok with that?"
Me:"Bring it."
6.28pm...(amidst some tears) Hello there, Persephone...she is 55cm and 3.145 kgs (7 pound 9) and boy, it's pretty hard to get perfection on the first go of anything, but just for once in my life, I managed it fairly easily, I think!
The rest is a bit of a blur...but the drugs were great.
And now we are 3 1/2 months down the track. Persi is the best thing that's ever happened and as much as we knew she was going to change our lives, it's definately been for the better. She is the apple of Daddy's eye and smile on Mummy's face. She is pretty damn cool and I think we'll keep her.
Yes this is Finn. After spending a fair bit of time on my LJ then discovering Blogger, I am reluctant to switch my blog from there to here. What to do, what to do? I really like my friends Blogger blogs, I know, I'll get an account so I can at least comment and hey, I've been meaning to get a blog happening for Persi's adventures so this one'll do!
I'm staying at
The Beehive. Feel free to head on over and comment, just make sure you sign who you are so I don't get weirded out by lots of annonymous posters (I'm paranoid at the best of times...).
This blog is for my rambling about Persi, so that family can keep up to date (because they all live so far away), friends can shower compliments and I can brag away without guilt.
So on to the story, "Yes on to the story!" (as Super Grover would put it)...